"I just had the desire. I thought in order to be baptized, that I had to know everything about the religion. Just like I told her "you gotta know, you better know." So I wasn't planning on getting baptized so quickly until I read Alma 32:27. It says you just have to have a desire and God will do the rest. And I was like, I have a desire, I really do. I have felt so good about this. I've been going from summertime until April. I decided to start reading the Book of Mormon in January so by April I was devouring it. I was mind blown by all of the truths. I couldn't believe it. I love the Book of Mormon. It's amazing! It's so relatable, you know, to your life. You can just see yourself."
S1.E24 - A mother/daughter duo - Laura and Chelsea share their journey as Laura returns to the church after watching her daughter, Chelsea, convert.