"I asked the Lord and said 'if this is your church, tell me in this general conference. I want to know if this is your church.' I had never watched general conference in my life - this was like the Super Bowl for me. So I got my popcorn. I'm over there, got my drink, and ready to watch the conference. I remember President Nelson, he says, 'as we commemorate the restoration of the gospel we revere the Prophet Joseph Smith as a prophet, but this is not his church. And this is not Mormon's church. This is the church of Jesus Christ.' Let me tell you something - that scripture in the New Testament that talks about the Pentecostal feeling of the Spirit overcoming you, man, I had never felt that before. When it came over me, when he said that, I stood up, as if we scored a touchdown. Like if my team scored a touchdown. I stood up and I said, 'hey, the prophet just said this is his church!' I heard the Lord speak to me through his prophet. He said this is his church, right? That was it for me. I got on my knees and said 'thank you Lord, thank you for answering my question. You spoke to me.' At that moment of time I told the Lord that's it - I'm all yours. I'm all yours."